"Put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up..."
“Let’s go to the drive thru!” A drive thru in Huatulco? Sure, my favourite is next to the park in Santa Cruz. A pickup truck is usually parked under a shady tree, the truck bed loaded with a couple of big plastic tubs full of ice and coconuts, a tree stump and two machete-wielding vendors.
I drive up beside the truck, open the window, and place my order, “coco frio por favor” .
A couple of machete swipes across the top reveals the milky white flesh, a flick of the sharp tip nicks a flap off the glistening white meat , a straw is popped in and I offer 15 pesos out my driver window. My hands grasp the fat green nut, and I take the first big thirsty gulp. Delicious. Muy rico.